Knowledge in Architecture

EEE btech5TH sem


Amity BBA general sem 1 economics for managers

Amity university BBA general sem 1 economics for managers module 1 notes

Amity BBA general sem 4 financial management

Amity university BBA general semester 4 financial management notes

Amity BBA general sem 5 fundamentals of training&d

Amity university BBA general semester 5 fundamentals of training and development

Chemical Engineering Internship advice series-2

What type of training one should undertake and how to apply for Summer Internship? Now there are basically three domains in which a chemical engineer can undertake summer internship namely Research, Production and Designing. First option is the research training. This field is good for the people who want to pursue higher studies and do research work in future. Research internship is provided by various government institutes like IITs, NITs, IISERs, IISC Bangalore and other institutes of national importance like JNCASR. Out of these selection for internship in JNCASR is very tough because seats are very few and applicants are very large. Internship program of JNCASR is a prestigious one, student gets the stipend for is work and top performers also get scholarships for further studies. Also you get the chance of getting your paper published in an International journal. Selection in many institutes is done through application forms which are out in the month of January. Another way of getting selected is that you can find out the name, e-mail id, and the field of research of the professor under whom you want to undertake internship from the Institute’s website. Then you can send your resume to that professor. Other two options are summer training in Production companies and Designing companies. Now I will advise that a student takes production or plant training in IInd Year itself so that he can go for training in designing company in III Year, thus getting training in both the domains. These options are preferable for those who want to do core jobs after completion of their graduation. Also every student should keep in mind that it is a wrong concept that if you do training in Production Company then you cannot get job in designing company or vice versa. In my last article on Summer Internship I will tell about different production and designing companies and how to choose and apply for summer training in such companies.

geometry of crystals

material science geometry of crystals

Food recipies

गर्मी का मौसम यानि आम का मौसम। उसमें भी कच्चे आमों के तो कहने ही क्या! इनसे बनी विभिन्न तरह की खट्टी-मीठी चीज़ें लोगों को बहुत पसंद आती हैं। जहाँ एक तरफ गुजरात में कच्चे आम को कद्दूकस करके आम का छुंदा बनाया जाता है, वहीं दूसरी तरफ राजस्थान और पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश में कच्चे आम की लौंजी बनाई जाती है। यह बेहद खट्टी मीठी सब्जी है जो कि बच्चों को बेहद पसंद आती है। तो आइये आज आम की लौंजी बनाएं। आवश्यक सामग्री: कच्चे आम - 300 ग्राम (2 आम) तेल - 1-2 टेबल स्पून हींग - 1 चुटकी जीरा - 1/4 छोटी चम्मच सौंफ - 1/4 छोटी चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर - 1/4 छोटी चम्मच से कम चीनी या गुड़ - 1/4 कप नमक - स्वादानुसार (1/4 छोटी चम्मच) काला नमक - 1/4 छोटी चम्मच लाल मिर्च पाउडर - 2-3 चुटकी गरम मसाला - आधी छोटी चम्मच विधि: सबसे पहले आम को धोकर छीलिये और उसके 2-2 इंच मोटे टुकड़े काट लीजिये। उसके बाद कढ़ाई में तेल गर्म कीजिये और उसमें हींग, जीरा व सौंफ डालकर हल्का ब्राउन होने तक भूनिये। अब इसमें हल्दी पाउडर, नमक, काला नमक, लाल मिर्च पाउडर व कटे हुए आम के टुकड़े मिलाकर 1-2 मिनट तक भूनिये और फिर आधा कप पानी मिलाकर कढ़ाई को ढक दीजिये और आम के टुकड़े नरम होने तक पका लीजिये। अब इसमें चीनी व गरम मसाला मिलाकर धीमी गैस पर बिना ढ़के गाढ़ा होने तक पका लीजिये और फिर गैस बंद कर दीजिये।



jonathon livingston seagull

This is a story for people who follows their dreama and make their own rules.

principle of marketing

This is a famous book on principle of marketing which helps in understanding of marketing concepts more clearly

Newtons ring

Newtons ring

Exp 1

exp 1