Knowledge in Computer Security & Cryptography

Operation System Entire Notes

This article is about Entire Operation System which includes Deadlock, Memory Management ,Security,file Systems


Fortran is a computer programming language that is extensively used in numerical, scientific computing. While outwith the scientific community, Fortran has declined in popularity over the years, it still has a strong user base with scientific programmers, and is also used in organisations such as weather forecasters, financial trading, and in engineering simulations. Fortran programs can be highly optimised to run on high performance computers, and in general the language is suited to producing code where performance is important. Fortran is a compiled language, or more specifically it is compiled ahead-of-time. In other words, you must perform a special step called compilation of your written code before you are able to run it on a computer. This is where Fortran differs to interpreted languages such as Python and R which run through an interpreter which executes the instructions directly, but at the cost of compute speed.

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power radiated by current element IN RGPV EC BRANCH

THIS IS MY HANDWRITTEN NOTES power radiated by current element

Application of reciprocity theorem in antenna EC branch RGPV

The reciproity theorem is a mathematical theorem that states that the ratio between two voltages or currents at two different points in a network is equal to the ratio between the two impedances or admittances at those points. This theorem is applicable to linear networks in which the elements involved are linear and bilateral. It is widely used in the analysis of electrical and electronic circuits and networks. The reciprocity theorem can be used to simplify the analysis of a network by reducing the number of unknowns and equations. It can also be used to solve for the parameters of a linear, bilateral network, such as the transfer function, input impedance, and output impedance. The reciprocity theorem can be applied to linear and non-linear networks as long as they are linear and bilateral.

bionomial array in antenna ec branch rgpv

The binomial array is an important tool in mathematics, especially when working with a large number of variables. It is a rectangular array of numbers arranged in rows and columns. Each row of the array represents a set of data points, with each column representing a single variable. By plotting the data points within the array, we can gain insight into the relationship between the variables. For example, we can use the binomial array to identify trends or patterns in the data. In addition, the array can be used to find the probability of certain outcomes, such as the probability of a certain event occurring. The binomial array is an invaluable tool for analyzing data and understanding the relationships between different variables.