Knowledge in Organisational Behavior

introduction to job analysis

Defining job analysis and its implications

Internal environment of organization

Notes on Internal environment of organization highlighting cuture

Workplace training

Concept and methodology of workplace training 

Case study on Wipro going global

Globalization of Wipro explained in the PPT

International HR policies of Japan

Notes on International HR policies of Japan and its comparison with other countries

Benefits provided by BSP

Rewards and benefits provided by BSP

Highlighted article of Fred Bailey In Japan

Highlighted article of Fred Bailey In Japan to understand the situation of expatriates in abroad


Analysis of Amex being a great place to work for

Project on group dynamics

Group and organizational dynamics project 

How companies incentivize innovation

How companies incentivize innovation - rewards system

White Paper Summaries - Work Engagement - HR

White Paper Summaries - Work Engagement - HR

Workplace Training - OB

Workplace Training - OB