Knowledge in Robotics

Technical article - TCS3200

This ppt prepared by well-experienced faculty in ECE branch for a better understanding on TCS3200 . The ppts are self explanatory with good number of examples.

Design and working of a Basic bot

Designing and building of a basic bot session ppt of trc club of sreenidhi institute of science and technology

RF tutorial of Trc club

Radio frequency tutorial of trc club of sreenidhi institute of science and technology, telangana


This gives the basic information of nano robotics, how this can be used, how it is helpful to humans, advantages, disadvantages, applications of nano robotics.


This is a file which contains tasks of eyantra competetion

Embedded system

AnEmbeddedSystemisacombinationofsoftwareandhardwareparts. Designed to carry out a specific function or a task which includes electricalcircuit .

Robotics previous question paper

This document contains robotics previous question paper. It is very useful for your academics a lot.