Abir Biswas

Half cool - half nerd.

Student at college of engineering and management, kolaghat.

Studied at kendriya vidyalaya

Skilled in computer programming, coding, gaming and software development

Network Security

Network security is any activity designed to protect the usability and integrity of your network and data. It includes both hardware and software technologies. Effective network security manages access to the network. It targets a variety of threats and stops them from entering or spreading on your network.

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming is mainly an optimization over plain recursion. Wherever we see a recursive solution that has repeated calls for same inputs, we can optimize it using Dynamic Programming. The idea is to simply store the results of subproblems, so that we do not have to re-compute them when needed later.

Architecture of Microprocessors

Architecture of Microprocessor The microprocessor is a single IC package in which several useful functions are integrated and fabricated on a single silicon semiconductor chip. Its architecture consists of a central processing unit, memory modules, a system bus, and an input/output unit.

Models of Computation

A model describes how units of computations, memories, and communications are organized. The computational complexity of an algorithm can be measured given a model of computation.

Asymptotic Notation

Asymptotic Notations are languages that allow us to analyze an algorithm's running time by identifying its behavior as the input size for the algorithm increases. This is also known as an algorithm's growth rate.

Insertion Sort

Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array one item at a time. It is much less efficient on large lists than more advanced algorithms such as quicksort, heapsort, or merge sort.

Routing in Internet

Internet routing is the process of transmitting and routing IP packets over the Internet between two or more nodes. ... It utilizes IP-based networks, but mainly those which are publicly accessible such as that of ISPs.

ISO-OSI 7-Layer Network Architecture

The International Standards Organization (ISO) developed the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. It divides network communication into seven layers. ... Layers 5-7, called the the upper layers, contain application-level data. Networks operate on one basic principle: "pass it on."


BOOTP is implemented using the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as transport protocol, port number 67 is used by the (DHCP) server to receive client requests and port number 68 is used by the client to receive (DHCP) server responses. BOOTP operates only on IPv4 networks.

Digital Transmission of Analog Signals

To transmit analog message signals, such as voice and video signals, by digital means, the signal has to be converted to a digital signal. This process is known as the analog-to-digital conversion, or sometimes referred as digital pulse modulation.

Linear Modulation

It is a modulation technique for which super- position theorem stands correct. The modulations for which the above theorem does not hold good are called non-linear modulations. Linear modulation is the direct frequency translation of the message spectrum. DSB modulation (Double sideband) is precisely that.

Nondeterministic Finite Automata

In automata theory, a finite state machine is called a deterministic finite automaton, if each of its transitions is uniquely determined by its source state and input symbol, and reading an input symbol is required for each state transition.