Adarsh Srivastava

Currently Pursuing Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.

Student at Chandrabhanu Gupta Krishi Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya

Studied at Maharshi Arvind Sikshan Sansthan

Sexual Reproduction in Plant

Hand written notes, Plant reproduce sexually also with the fusion of Male and female gametes. You will get further info about them in this note.

Human Genome Project

Human Genome Project Was a 9 billion dollar project.This project was started by U.S.Department of Energy and National Institute of Health. It was Launched in 1993 and completed in 2003. In this Hand written note you will k ow about it.

Concept of Plant Disease

Plant disease occurs in plant through various action in them.Their concept I.e. how they occurs in plant is described in this note

Plant Parasites

Plants have mainly 4 type of parasites. You will know about them in this note.It will help u to determine and identify them.

Identification of Timber Plants

Identification of Timber Plant is a Practical exercise beside that You can know which plant are timber plants and their characteristics

Cultivation Technology of Oyster Mushroom

The Pleurotus mushroom is generally referred to as `Oyster Mushroom' or `Dhingri' in India. You will know how it is produced.

Management and Its Functions

Management is a set of principles relating to the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling, and the application of these principles in harnessing physical, financial, human and informational resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals. You will know about its Functions also,in this hand written note.

Grain Spawn and Its Preparation

Grain spawn is the traditional way to propagate mushroom cultures.In this note you will find how it's being prepared step by step.

Communication & Its Functions

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another. Where as the function of communication in an organization are to inform, persuade, and motivate. Employees need to have effective organizational communication in order to achieve excellent job performance.

Farm Budgeting

It refers to preparing budget for the farm as a whole. Complete budgeting considers all the crops, livestock, methods of production and aspects of marketing in consolidated form and estimates costs and returns for the farm as a whole. in this hand written notes you will know about farm Budgeting and its type.

7 P of Credit

In this Hand written note You will know about 7 Principal of credit,Which are used now days by many institutions for providing credit.

Adoption and Stages of Adoption

Adoption is an Individual matter or phenomenon or behavioural socio- economical phenomenon or mental process. In this hand written notes you will know about Its stages too.