Aditya Sethi


Student at .

Certified in Cyber security

Global Warming

Following document gives an overview and explanation of what is global warming. what causes it and how can it be resolved

Human Rights

Following document gives an overview of basic human rights provided by constitution of India to its residents.


Following document gives an exact overview of application of a .net framework by Microsoft. Gives closure to how and when a .net framework should be used in your application.


Kerberos basic knowledge and workaround Built for sudents studying cryptography and technology as a subject or networ security

Intrusion detection system

Intrusion detection system tell you about the basic network security protocols. for students of Cryptography and network security

ESP cloud Display name Arduino Program

Arduino program for the ESP Cloud display name extension is .ino needs to be coded on a arduino board

Ruby Basics

contains basic ruby programming, required by a fresher or new learner. contains pints like: pointer integer value allocation

Print Name and Age java Program

Java program to print name and age

ERP Notes for BS cloud computing 5th sem REVA University

These notes are from Bs cloud computing 5thsem REVA University. contains basic knowledge related to enterprise resource planning. contains: supply chain management demand and supply marketing and sales resource planning marketing