Adyansha R. Rajput

Student at Miranda House

Human Security

the file contains the topin along with it's summary and exercises.

Public Administration

It contains the whole subject along with summary and Exercises.

Nation and States

The file contains the topic along with it's summary and excercises


Functional approaches and Regionalism

Un system 2

Peacekeeping,Peacemaking and Adjudication

Un system

Pacific Settlement of Disputes.

Nature and Forms of conflict

Nature and forms of conflict with description along with detailed distinction of Inter-state,Intra-state and global.

International Conflict Resolution

From practice to knowledge and back again.

Peace Movements

It contains about the topic along with it's summary and exercices.

Types of war-2

Revolutionay war,Civil war,Guerrilla war,Insurgency,Proxy war,Assymetrical war and Terrorism.

Types of War

The file contains distinctions of war; LIMITED WAR,CONVENTIONAL WAR and NUCLEAR WAR.

Conceptual Analysis of peace and conflict.

The file contains the topic along with it's summary and excercises.