Aman Tripathi

| Human Being | Mba Tech Civil Student | UP


Studied at Still Studying


Genetics is study about whole concept of Biological science related to Theory basically known for genetics

Chemical Composition Of Living Forms Notes By Aman

Living forms are those which provided energy to cell and environment engineering study about whole process of Living organism

Mendal Law of Inheritance in Biology

Mendal experiment tell about their precautions and rule to identify the green , yellow etc by the different properties according to division

Short Note On Science and Engineering

Science is interesting subject it is experiment and practical both but the different example can be used for science but for engineering it can be pratical possible to design the building

Concepts of Protein , Carbohydrates etc Notes

Protein , Carbohydrates , Cellulose , Sucrose etc. are the energy provide in the body so that organisms can under control

Structural Analysis Based on Dss

Structural Analysis is basic of bolt plate connection done on the analysis to knowing Board Exam

Quantam Mechanic's On Physics

Quantam Mechanic's is Basic knowledge about physics and it known to Quantum method are also important for the MCQ

Network Theorem is based on Board Exam

network Theorem or Theory is know to learn about the line of network through which work can be done learn by accordingly

Moment of Interia By Aman

moment of Interia is basic of the center of gravity in which the the whole is on center around it can revolution take space

Linear Equations Book by Aman

linear Equations is based on the graphic basically where we want to know the x and y value by solution

Graph Theory is Based on Subject

Graph Theory basically is important to know to solve the various subjects theory by seen or solving the question from graphy know to x and y value according

Family Law Adoption Notes by Aman

Family law model know by us because it necessary to know to other thing by thinking our knowledge