Aman Tripathi

| Human Being | Mba Tech Civil Student | UP


Studied at Still Studying


Aman Tripathi's Stashed Knowledge

Introduction To Finance Account

Introduction is that whole summary in short can be know to us by observing the expenditure and revenue from each other

Journal Material In Financial Accounting

Journal is that which have profit and loss analysis which have different forms our profit will increase than the earnings will more

Revision Financial Accounting Notes

Revision of Financial Business Anyalsis that which have over all rights to know the balance sheet final list

Centrifugal Pump system Notes

Centrifugal pump is that which one way process that the water is pump through bottom area and then it transfer to another junction process

Concepts of Metabolism Notes

Metabolism is the body capacity to which have bearing to know that our body is working or not properly

EB MODULE 1 Of Biology Notes

Engineering Biology is that which study about basic important and types with their proper notes

IRE Questions Bank For BOARD

Questions bank is that which have total many questions to deals learn and solve the problem of each and every question

IRE irrigation system by Aman

Irrigation is that subject which know for the desired knowledge which we have gain some basic things what going on the in the field and all

Shallow Foundation in Geotechnical

Shallow Foundation is subject of geotechnical engineering notes which study about whole summary of the basic concepts

Decision Making in Financial Business

Decision Making is that in product A and B are both are selling the product separately but A is purchasing and B create own an than selling which will more profitable business

Signalling in Railways by Aman

Signals are created every where because the RAILWAY required a signals to stop and run the train and highways also required same thing

Point , Crossing and Yard Railway

Point where the connection of two railway are joined and crossing interchange of rail tracks and yard is made for repair the the line which may break