Arushi Saxena

Doctor in making... #medico #inLoveWithMedicalScience


Studied at St.Paul's Church College

NEURON & SYNAPSE (detailed)

This pdf is the complete information about the basics of Neuron and detailed Study of SYNAPSE needed for every medical student. It deals with all the topics related to neurons and all the important topics and diagrams required for a proper understanding of synapse. It contains basic questions to advanced ones. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


This ppt is the complete information about the basic of PERITONEUM needed for every medical student. It deals with all the General aspects of peritoneum and its clinical cases related to it. It contains basic information about how the abdomen has divisions, extent of peritoneum, pouches in abdomen and pelvic region etc. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


This pdf is the complete information about the basic of Thanatology needed for every medical student. It deals with important topics of Thanatology like sudden death, systemic death, brain death. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


This pdf is the information about the basic of MICROBIOLOGY needed for every medical student. It deals with some important questions of the subject. It contains basic questions to advanced ones. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


This pdf is the complete information about the basic of Excretory Physiology needed for every medical student. It deals with all the chapters of the topic. It contains basic questions to advanced ones. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.

Blood and Immunity Questions

This pdf is the complete information about the basic of Blood Physiology needed for every medical student. It deals with all the chapters needed for good understanding of the topic. It contains basic questions to advanced ones. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


This pdf is the complete information about the basic of Reproductive Physiology needed for every medical student. It deals with all the chapter related to reproductive system. It contains basic questions to advanced ones. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


This pdf is the complete information about the basic of Neuromuscular system chapter needed for every medical student. It deals with all the questions. It contains basic questions to advanced ones. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


This pdf is the complete information about the basic of Central Nervous System needed for every medical student. It deals with all the chapters from basic Synapse to neurotransmitters. It contains basic questions to advanced ones. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


This pdf is the complete information about the basic of Cardiovascular System needed for every medical student. It deals with all the chapters from organisation of CVS to syncope. It contains basic questions to advanced ones. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.


The pdf includes all the important questions from previous years and questions asked in various exams. If you do these definitely good score will be achieved in exams. Practice makes a man perfect. So the same applies here. As much as you practice more the understanding of the subject will b there.


This pdf is the complete information about the basic of Physiology needed for every medical student. It deals with all the chapters from general physiology to Central nervous system. It contains basic questions to advanced ones. It will help the student to score better in exams n have a good understanding of the topic.