A wolf can never become a pet

H.R. at 3 D India Group

Studied at AMITY University

Law for engineers question paper

Law for engineers question paper will give you an overview of the types of question asked in the exam. They are made by Amity University, pattern of the question paper can change but Questions will be same.

Previous Question paper for Law for engineers

Law for engineers question paper will give you an overview of the types of question asked in the exam. They are made by Amity University, pattern of the question paper can change but Questions will be same as Law subject plays an important role in increasing the C.G.P.A. of the year and eventually the all over marks.

Last year question paper of Law for engineers question paper

Law for engineers question paper will give you an overview of the types of question asked in the exam. They are made by Amity University, pattern of the question paper can change but Questions will be same.

Law for engineers

Law question paper for B.Tech students having law as a subject in their 1st year of their engineering course.

Etnocentrism notes

Ethnocentrism is the act of judging another culture based on preconceptions that are found in the values and standards of one's own culture – especially regarding language, behavior, customs, and religion.[1][2] These aspects or categories are distinctions that define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity.[3]The term ethnocentrism was coined by Ludwig Gumplowicz[4][5] and subsequently employed by social scientist William G. Sumner. Gumplowicz defined ethnocentrism as the reasons by virtue of which each group of people believed it had always occupied the highest point, not only among contemporaneous peoples and nations, but also in relation to all peoples of the historical past.

Guest Etiquette notes

Whether you are attending a dinner party or spending a few nights with a family member or friend, knowing and following proper etiquette rules for guests is essential. Remember that the hosts have shown the generosity of their time and resources by inviting you, preparing their home for your visit, and entertaining you. Reciprocate by exhibiting good manners.You should always respond to an invitation. If you received the invitation in writing, follow up with a reply in writing. A verbal invitation can be answered either with a note or phone call. Contact the host as soon as possible.If you aren’t sure whether or not you can attend, explain your dilemma to your host so he or she won’t think you’re ignoring the invitation. Then as soon as you know for sure go ahead

Effective meeting notes

Running effective meetings isn’t simply a matter of doing the obvious things like sharing the agenda and starting on time. While those things are important, they’re just table stakes. The real key to effective meetings is organizing and running them with a human touch – not like some corporate management automaton.Most of us don’t have formal training in meeting facilitation, but anyone can learn to do it well. Same goes for knowing whether to hold a meeting in the first place and what to do afterward to make sure it wasn’t a waste of time. This guide will walk you through the ingredients you need to organize and run effective meetings. You might be surprised by what really matters (and what doesn’t).

Tips for Effective meeting notes

An efficient meeting starts promptly, stays on track due to good time management, includes as few people as possible, and achieves the stated objective. Job done, right? Wrong. Efficiency is a superficial quality. It says nothing about whether the right people were in the room for the right reasons, or whether the meeting generated any value for the business.An effective meeting brings a thoughtfully selected group of people together for a specific purpose, provides a forum for open discussion, and delivers a tangible result: a decision, a plan, a list of great ideas to pursue, a shared understanding of the work ahead. Not only that, but the result is then shared with others whose work may be affected.

Cultural and Social etiquette

Every culture is different, and has different styles of etiquette. Every day deals are lost through misunderstandings, even between relatively similar cultures. These misunderstandings do not have to be huge to have an effect on your business – a poor first impression could leave your prospective partner or customer with a bad feeling. Knowing the right etiquette can help you avoid this and save you a great deal of wasted time and money.

Negotiation Notes

Negotiation comes from the Latin neg (no) and otsia (leisure) referring to businessmen who, unlike the patricians, had no leisure time in their industriousness; it held the meaning of business (le négoce in French) until the 17th century when it took on the diplomatic connotation as a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to at least one of these issues.Thus, negotiation is a process of combining divergent positions into a joint agreement under a decision rule of unanimity.

The Mauryan Empire Notes

The Maurya Empire was a geographically-extensive Iron Age historical power based in Magadha and founded by Chandragupta Maurya which dominated the Indian subcontinent between 322 and 187 BCE. Comprising the majority of South Asia, the Maurya Empire was centralized by the conquest of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, and its capital city was located at Pataliputra (modern Patna).[6][7] The empire was the largest political entity to have existed in the Indian subcontinent, spanning over 5 million square kilometres (1.9 million square miles) at its zenith under Ashoka[8].

Amity University business card etiquette

One of the most basic business marketing tools is also the one that is taken for granted the most. When you start a new job, you will most likely get a stack of shiny new business cards ready to hand out. Not much thought is usually given to them, but I'm here to tell you how important the action of exchanging business cards is and how it can effect your business.