Ayush Srivastava

Student at Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce (BMCC)

Introduction to Networking

In this file you will learn and get notes of :- Data Communication Types and Components of Communication Network and Modes/Types of Network and many other things relatoed to network


In this file you will learn and get notes of the following:- 》Definition of Internet 》Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet 》Client Service Model- Advantages and Disadvantages 》Internet Protocol 》File Transfer Protocol 》IP address and many more things related to Internet.

Planning and Forcasting

In this file you will learn and get notes of the following:- 》Planning Concepts; Importance; Levels; Merits and demerits 》Forcasting Meaning; Need; Techniques

Management- Leadership

In this file you will learn and get notes of the following:- 》Definition of Leadership 》Nature and Characteristics of Leadership 》Qualities of Leadership 》Leadership Styles and many more topics related to Leadership

International management: Globalization, VUCA, Diversity & Ethics

In this file you will learn and get notes of the following:- 》Globalization meaning and Features 》Importance of Globalization 》Essential conditions for Globalization 》Factors favoring Globalization 》Cross Cultural Management 》VUCA 》Diversity 》Business Ethics 》Scope of Business Ethics and many more such topics

Total Quality Management

In this file you will learn and get notes of the following:- 》Various Definition of Total Quality Management 》Process for Managing Quality 》Six Basic concepts of Quality Management 》Quality Planning 》Benefits of Quality Planning and many more such topics related to Total Quality Management

Computer Fundamentals

From this file you can learn and get notes of the following:- 》Data & Information 》Programming language and other related topics

Micro and Macro Economics

From this file you will learn and get notes for the following:- 》Meaning of Microeconomics 》Scope of Microeconomics 》Importance of Microeconomics 》Analysis of Microeconomics 》Limitations of Microeconomics 》Basic Economic Problems and other related topics in detail

Management- Organising

In this file you learn and get notes of the following:- 》Organising 》Process of Organising 》Merits and Demerits of Organising 》Centralization & Decentralization 》Delegation of Authority and its Method 》Organization Structure And many more such topics with pictures and pointers

Management- Direction

In this file you will learn and get notes of the following:- 》Concepts of Direction 》Functions of Direction 》Essential features of the Directing function 》Importance of Direction 》Elements of Direction Principles of Direction

Management- Staffing

In thia file you will learn and get notes of the following:- 》Meaning of Staffing 》Selection process 》Recruitment process And many more thing related to staffing

Management- Motivation

In this file you will learn and get notes of the following:- 》Meaning of Motivation 》Types of Motivation 》Importance of Motivation 》Techniques of Motivation 》Theories and many more subject related to Motivation