Bhavya Chaudhary

The world needs more of people who could share

Talent acquisition manager at Plan international

Studied at IIM Calcutta

Problems on clocks and calendar

One of the most intersting topic for CAT and competitive exams. The file covers calculating the angle, calculating the time with formulas and without formaulas, concept of fast and slow clocks. How to calculate the week/day in a leap/non leap year, odd day's concept etc.

Data sufficiency for CAT

Hey Guyz, find below the notes for DATA Sufficiency, it would be helpful for competitive exams. Understand the rules of DS and a few examples.

Basic algebra

Topics it covers Law of indices, surds, law of radicals, rationalising factors. The topics are explained with examples. So you could learn better.

Data interpretation questions for MBA aspirants

Find below the problems associated with DI, the quality of questions increases as you go along solving those. If you solved every question in the file, you have a good command over DI.

HCF & LCM for competitive exams

Basics of LCM and HCF, methods of finding HCF and LCM using factorization method, division method. The rules and fundas for solving in less time, theorems and exceptions.