Chiranji Nagarani

I've been pursuing my graduation . And im very much interested in content writing and article writing. And I love to explore.

Student at University college of engineering and technology for women

Studied at Model high school

Certified in Line follower robot workshop

Program to explain pointer variable 'this'.

The 'This' pointer variable is used to point the current object of a class in simple words. The this pointer variable is also used to return the reference of the current object of a class so that we can chain the function calls. This results in the chaining of a function calls at one go. There are many advantages of this pointer variable.

Program to explain how the constructor & destructor are invoked in inheritance.

Firstly inheritance means to aquire the properties of previously existing classes. Here constructors initialize the member variable where as destructor destroys the data object. Using these two terms we invoke inheritance. It means to exhibit the properties of the existing class or object.

Program to print table of strings

This helps in usage of many strings that are to be printed.

Program to read a string and print it

It helps in writing a program using string, gets and puts

Program to swap two numbers using call by reference.

This is to swap two numbers using a temporary variable.

Program to explain string handling functions

String handling functions are str lwr(), str upr(), str rev(), str cpy(), ...

Program to explain function with argument and without return value.

Here there are arguments in function but no return values to the main function.

Program to explain function prototype.

This helps in knowing more about function prototype.

Program to find GCD of two numbers.

This is to find greatest common divisor bw two numbers.

Program to explain switch case which has case blocks without statements.

Here switch case is used to test the value of a variable and compares it with multiple cases. If one case is found matched then the statement of that particular case is executed . Switch contain many cases inside the block . Likr case2,case2,case3,case4,....multiple cases .for every case break statement is used to exit the loop.

Program to explain soul of odd numbers in a given range.

Here in odd case num should be initialized with 1 ,num=1. And sum=0. This is also written using do while .