Kinematics of machinery

Cam shaft diagram and instantaneous diagrams


Complete material for casting in manufacturing

Property of fluids

This unit has described some important topics Mass density or Specific mass (ρ), Weight density or Specific weight (γ), Specific gravity or Relative density (S), Specific volume (∀), Vapour Pressure, Newton’s law of viscosity, Surface Tension, Capillarity, Rheological classification of fluids: (Rheology  Study of stress – strain behavior), PRESSURE AND ITS MEASUREMENTS, PASCAL ‘S LAW, Classification of Manometers, MECHANICAL GAUGES, DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS, MODEL ANALYSIS, MODEL LAWS (SIMILARITY LAWS), Reynold’s Model Law, Froude’s Model Law, Euler’s Model Law, Mach Model Law, Weber’s Model Law.

Material science

Material science for 3rd sem.

Complete book

Complete book r.k. bansal  Strength of material 4th sem.

Machine drawing book

Available below is the machine drawing book which includes topics such as Graphic Language, Classification of Drawings, Scales, Lines, Right Hand and Left Hand Threads, Locking Arrangements for Nuts, Representation of Threads, Multi-start Threads, etc.


Wleding processes in manufacturing


Computer based numerical ans statistical techniques

Different types of welding

Different different types of welding

R.s. khurmi

Available below is the kinematics of machinery book which includes topics such as kinematics of machinery, simple harmonic motion, simple mechanisms, velocity in mechanisms, acceleration in mechanisms, mechanisms in lower pairs, etc.

Metal forming

Metal forming complete process