
Student at Sreenidhi institute of science and technology

SS UNIT-I L-6 Complete Set of trigonometric and exponential functions

It is a ppt prepared by faculty on the signals and system for a better understanding of the students.

Switching theory assignment

assignment on switching theory and logic design from the professor for the mid term

Matlab output 1

it contains information and final output of the matlab experiment 1. It is a part of basic simulation lab.

Matlab convolution output

it contains information and final output of the matlab experiment convolution. It is a part of basic simulation lab.

Data structures - part 2

This article and matter is prepared by experienced faculty of snist for the better and easy understanding of students. This PDF contains information about trees and graphs along with their terminology and representation etc.

Introduction to organizational behaviour

This article and matter is prepared by experienced faculty of snist for the better and easy understanding of students. This PDF contains nature and scope of organizational behaviour, determinants of personality etc.

Introduction to Data structures

This article and matter is prepared by experienced faculty of snist for the better and easy understanding of students. This PDF contains introduction to data structures,abstract data type, stacks, queues and their applications etc.

Strategic management and financial accounting

This article and matter is prepared by experienced faculty of snist for the better and easy understanding of students. This PDF contains introduction to management i.e, levels pf management, functions of management etc.

Technical article - Flex sensor

This ppt prepared by well-experienced faculty in ECE branch for a better understanding Flex sensor. The ppts are self explanatory with good number of examples.

Google soli project - wireless

This ppt prepared by well-experienced faculty in CSE branch for a better understanding. The ppts are self explanatory with good number of examples.

Envirornmental science and ecology - Envirornmental rules

This ppt prepared by well-experienced faculty in S&H branch for a better understanding. The ppts are self explanatory with good number of examples.

Probability and stochastic process unit 3

It is a hand written notes kn the probability and stochastic process unit 2 with good writing and in self explainatory way.