kaushal shah

Hey there! :)

Student at Barbaria insititute of technology

Studied at Haria

Certified in C programming

Introduction to java language

This a file which introduces a java language from basic,its history,its versions,features,benefits and difference from different programming languages.

Recursion. Why it is important?

This is a file which describes recursion with example. 1. Advantages 2. Disadvantages 3. Why it is important?


This is a file on the keywords:- 1.new 2.static. 3.super 4.this 5.final

Control statements

This is file on control statements,selection and looping statement . 1.If 2.Switch 3.While 4.Do- while 5.for 6.Nested 7.Jump statements

Data Types

This a file on the :- 1. data types 2. Variables 3. Arrays 4. Scope and lifetime of variables

Access Modifiers

This is a file on the Modifiers. 1.Public 2.Private 3.Protected 4. default

Java Server Faces

This is a pptx on the Jsf with its architecture,life cycle , different types of jsf tags with examples .

Java Database Connectivity

This is a pptx of the Java Database Connectivity, how to coonect it, types of database, and also intro to metadata.

Advanced in Dotnet

This is pptx on advanced in dotnet which contain some major topics such as WPF, WCF.

Blockchain Questions and Related answers

This notes contain short description about blockchain. its importance in 2019. And answers to the various questions .