
Mohit Gedar's Stashed Knowledge

Thinking of sadists

What Sadists Are Actually Thinking And Why Nodoubt you saw this coming, the novel Fifty Shades of Gray by E.L. James has transformed and fetishized the sadomasochist dynamic. There has been a movement if you will of primarily women who wish to nurture their inner freak, ideally at the hands of a handsome and complicated billionaire. Ahh, Harley Quinn, the sexy and shall we say quirky super villain who is notorious for her obedience and devotion to the manipulative and sadistic Joker. In the film Suicide Squad, Harley literally throws herself into a vat of toxic waste to prove her undying commitment to her psychotically endearing counterpart. Although their relationship is clearly a case of cut and dry domestic abuse, there is something alluring about their compatibility. Stepping outside of the world of literature and fantasy, some of our beloved and renowned celebrities have a dark and sadomasochistic side of a sexual nature. Angelina Jolie is not bashful when it comes to disclosing intimate details about her sexual urges. Rhianna is another example, proclaiming her naughty side with lyrics such as, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me.” But has sexiness in sadism been overrated these days?

Don't hesitate to do silly things

The More We Allow Ourselves To Do Silly Things, The More Confident We Become How should a confident person be like? Someone who does everything well, believes in his competence, and has pride in his achievements? Or someone who does stupid things occasionally in front of others? The former description might seem to fit the typical definition of confident people. Innumerable articles and discussions tell us that to be more confident, we need to remind ourselves of what we have achieved whenever we doubt ourselves. But what if the answer is the other way round? In fact, the ones who are more willing to accept their idiocies are more confident. Some people are not really that confident. We are conscious of our competence and achievements because they are probably the only solid things in our lives to prove our abilities and strengths. We say Usain Bolt is an excellent sprinter not just because he is physically strong but because he has the ability to break world records. The recognition and pride that come from within are our sources of confidence. But in the long term, if we will care too much about our dignity and overestimate our importance, we will easily avoid situations that threaten them. Let’s say if Bolt were someone who cared much about his dignity, it is very likely that he would refuse when someone invited him to participate in any competition as he would fear that failure would damage his image as a great runner. Confidence built upon our competence achievements might not be something that we should look for. Accept our stupidity is the way to build true confidence. Make fun of yourself! Allowing yourself to make mistakes and laugh at yourself afterwards is the key to build your confidence. If you are a lost tourist, you can embrace your innocence and kindly ask for direction despite the fact that people might regard you with contempt. But it’s totally fine. You can simply laugh at yourself for not getting well-prepared for your trip. When you laugh at yourself more often, you will realize that you don’t need to be perfect to be accepted. We can do nothing about our stupidity as it is an inborn quality of the human race. How great it is to know that even the greatest people are as stupid as we are! The true confidence we have will allow us to give things a go and accept whatever happens to us.

Do you know

Knowing Others Is Intelligence, Knowing Yourself Is True Wisdom Happily married people really know each other. A good mother knows her son. Astute teachers know their students. This knowledge is powerful. Insight into another human being provides the knower with a remarkable ability to meet needs, heal heartache, be emotionally supportive and above all, provide a prescripted and targeted kind of love. Often times, we find that we know the people we love better than we know ourselves. We are able to anticipate and fulfill their needs and desires without them even having to ask. However, when it comes to understanding and addressing our own needs we are lost. Getting to know you Getting to know yourself begins and ends with personal introspection. Understanding what makes you tick, what makes you happy or sad, discovering your fears and assessing how you truly feel about yourself is a journey requiring time, effort and courage. There are myriads of excellent self-assessment tools1 that can assist you in navigating the path of objectively assessing who you really are. The best thing you can do for others is to understand who you are and allow that to be the foundation for all of your interactions. Because the only thing you can do is interact with them based on who you are and not who they want you to be. You can teach them how to love and nurture the real you. The most positive thing you can do for yourself is to understand, accept and love who you truly are. Knowing yourself requires an honest, transparent and often times difficult dive into the depths of your soul. It is acceptance of all of your past experiences, acknowledgment of your weaknesses and then cherishing all of it. Get to know who you are—the good, the bad and the ugly.

Why you are lonely ?

Psychologists Say This Effect Makes People Become Biased And Feel Lonely Have you ever felt like you were the only one to experience a certain thought, problem or emotion? Feeling this way can be extremely isolating, leading to loneliness and a bias towards negativity. However, just because you feel different to everyone else, it doesn’t mean that you are. Psychologists have concrete psychological evidence on how similar our hopes, dreams, and fears really are, and how we can use this information to feel happier, healthier, and more motivated. An identical personality description can apply to many people. In 1948, a psychologist named Bertram Forer told his students that he was going to present them each with an individualized sketch of their personality. What the students didn’t know was that each sketch was exactly the same. The sketch consisted of twelve points, which included the following:1 1.You have a great need for other people to like and admire you. 2.You have a tendency to be critical of yourself. 3.You have a great deal of unused capacity, which you have not turned to your advantage. 4.While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them. 5.Disciplined and self-controlled outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure inside. Does this sound like you? If it does, you’re not alone. After presenting the personality sketch, Forer asked his students to rate it according to how well it applied to them. The average rating was 4.26 out of 5, with 5 being ‘excellent.’ This result demonstrates how similar we are to one another, with each student feeling that the twelve statements were uniquely applicable to them. While people may behave in ways that hide feelings like worry and insecurity, studies like this show that they affect everyone. By keeping this in mind, you’ll find it much easier to relate to others and form genuine connections. Most humans have very similar needs. In 1943, a psychologist named Abraham Maslow proposed a ‘hierarchy of needs,’ which represented a variety of human needs in the form of a pyramid.2 The idea of the pyramid is that in order to move to the next level, the needs of the level below must first be met. For example, before you’re able to fulfill the need for friendship, you must first fulfill basic needs like food and water. Helping others is important for everyone. While self-actualization was once considered the top of the pyramid, Maslow actually added another layer later in his life. This layer is labelled ‘self-transcendence,’ and refers to achieving altruistic goals, outside of the individual. This could involve charity work, helping others, or helping the environment. By remembering that we’re fundamentally very similar to other humans, it’s much easier to avoid feeling negative and lonely. Rather than focusing on the ways you feel different from others, try to direct your attention towards everything you have in common. You’ll feel happier, more motivated, and more connected to others.

Always hungry,Why?

Always Feeling Hungry? You Might Be Simply Thirsty You’ve eaten lunch. You felt really full. But two hours later, you feel hungry again. Then you go to get a pack of snacks. Gradually you’re gaining weight. And you ask…what’s happening? Why my appetite is growing so fast? You start to suspect if you have parasite in your body, or if you have diabetes. All these are possible. But most of the time, you’re just thirsty. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated and don’t even know it. And the problem is, most people can’t tell the difference between hunger and thirst. What? Even a kid would be able to tell the differences? Look at the signs of hunger and signs of thirst below first. signs of hunger and thrist 1.feeling weak                                                                  1.feeling weak   2.being irretable                                                                2..being irretable 3.headache                                                                      3.headache                       4.rumbling stomatch                                                          4.dry mouth As you can see, 3 out of 4 common signs of hunger and thirst are the same. What’s more, the part of the brain that deals with hunger and thirst feelings is the same. With the same part interpreting both signals, it becomes confusing to offer the perfect solution. So, how not to be tricked? One tip is that feelings of true hunger come gradually, but not suddenly. When in doubt, always guess in favor of hydration. It’s unlikely that you’ll ever over hydrate but it’s always so easy to overeat. Make it a habit. Drink a glass of water or herbal tea at least 30 minutes before a meal or snack. This way, you’ll be more aware of the true extent of your appetite, you’ll absorb the water more effectively, and you won’t dilute your stomach acid while it’s trying to digest. Dehydration may play a bigger role in your life than you realize. Luckily, it’s an easy fix. Learn to drink more water and not only will you find that your hunger cravings are reduced, but you’ll also feel better in general!

Tips to lose weight ,that you don't know

If you’ve been working out and still can’t seem to shed those extra pounds around your midsection, chances are it has everything to do with your diet. Here are a few brilliant tips to lose weight that helped me lose 10 pounds in three months and several inches around my stubborn midsection. 1. Calculate your BMI to find out how many calories you need a day  The law of thermodynamics does not lie. You can’t take in more calories and carbohydrates than you burn. This is the golden rule when trying to shed pounds. 2. Drink wine instead of mixed drinks A half cup of rose wine has 83 calories and no more than 5 carbs! One margarita can have anywhere from 200-400 calories, blowing your calorie count for the day. My go-to drink used to be calorie-rich mixed drinks and Blue Moon beer which adds a whopping 170 calories. 3. Try to exercise I’m convinced that dieting is even more crucial to reaching your weight goal than working out. Working out, however, will expedite the weight loss and make you lean and muscles defined. Although I haven’t worked out as much as I’d like to, I’ve still lost weight. This will speed up your weight loss by almost four times the amount. The more muscle you build, the more you can eat. 4. Stay positive There will always be those days where we fall off the wagon. Don’t worry; just get right back to your routine as soon as you can. Don’t get discouraged if you have one bad eating day or one bad eating week. Just rev up your workout and get back on track as soon as you can. 5. Drink lots of water. If that’s too boring, try sparkling water Every dietician will tell you that you must stay hydrated or your body will mistakenly signal it’s hungry when in fact it’s just thirsty. I love carbonation in my drinks and Perrier makes me feel as though I’m having a cheat drink like a coke when I’m just having carbonated, flavored mineral water. This reminds me of Sprite, so I’m kind of tricking myself into thinking I’m having a treat when I’m not.