Muskan Mehrotra

Gaining and Spreading Knowledge related to IT

Student at Symbiosis Institute of computer studies and research

Studied at Notre Dame Academy

Skilled in Programming, Event Management, Social Work

J2ME App Development

A Brief Advanced content for Mobile App Development


Graphical User Interface, A brief about the topic which is a part of Advanced Programming in JAVA

LINUX- (Introduction to Operating System)

The contents will give an overview of LINUX as well as the command lines which can be practiced by the user.

Data Structures and its fundamentals

Data Structures, the contents gives a fully described introduction of the subject and tell about its fundamentals. It is a briefs the user about the data types, sorting, methods, arrays, data, and so on

Database Management Systems

The content will provide the reader with the knowledge of almost every main and basic aspect of database management system

Computer Networking and Topologies

The content cover almost every topic related to computer networks and data communication, These are basically e-books over computer networks and data communication.

Hypertext Markup Language

Hyper Text Markup Language, used for web development and is very easy for the users to learn. The content covers almost every topic which is required for a beginner to understand HTML as a language. It also has some advanced parts of HTML which are easily understandable and are easy to practice too. Happy Learning!

Cascading Style Sheet

Cascading Style Sheet is used with HTML and is basically used for the styling of the web page which is created with the help of HTML. The content of HTML is also provided in my profile which covers almost all aspects needed to go through before going for CSS. Happy Learning, peeps!

Introduction to Operating Systems

Introduction to Operating Systems is a must study topic in all the IT related courses for students, IOS being a difficult topic to understand has been made easy and has been compiled into one ppt for notes and the main book which is recommended by almost every professor for studying IOS is provided. Do check out the notes and the book provided and get your IT game strong.

Number Systems Notes (Handwritten)

The contents provided are handwritten and will help you understand the number system in terms of computers or the computer fundamentals as a whole. But this is in reference to computer and not basic mathematics

Electronic Commerce(E-Commerce)

E-commerce is the activity of buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. Topics Provided:- Overview B2B B2C Advantages Disadvantages Security EDI The content will cover all the topics related to E-Commerce

Algorithms and Problem Solving

The clip covers the important topics of Algorithms and Problem Solving