naman bhandari

Student at Aravali college of engineering and management

Bayes Theorem for Probability

Here is bayes theorem on probability for finding the occurrence of any other event when ine event is already done.

Quality management and analysis

Quality of the software should be upto the mark required hence crucial for software development.

Heuristic Functions in intelligent system

Here is heuristic functions explanation which is used in Intelligent system.

Big Bang Model in Software development

Here is the big bang model used in software development and analysis.

History of aritifical intelligence

HERE is the begin of the artificial intelligent system and their modern used and implementation

File types and commands

here is a complete notes for files types and various command in the files for Linux and unix based system.

Digital Electronic Assignment

Here is some important question which one must know in digital electronic.

Cost estimation of software producr

Cost is an important factor in software development. Good analysis is required to estimate cost.


Here are some important question regarding microprocessors which one must know as a electronic engineer.

JAVA questions

Here is top 100 java question one should know, GO through them and become expert in JAVA programming Language.

Network Topology

Here is various different ways to connect system in network generally known as network topology includes bus ,ring, star, tree and mesh.

History and working of Internet.

Learn about evolution of internet and working process of internet how advantageous internet is to mankind. Including web browser and hardware devices required for internet connectivity.