Prachi Kashyap

Campus Ambassador at

Studied at Galgotias University

Arden's Theory Identities with proof, Pumping Lemma and Its applications.

Arden's Theory Identities with proof, Pumping Lemma and Its applications.

BCA question paper - 1 of numerical techniques.

BCA question paper - 1 of numerical techniques.

BCA question paper - 3 of DBMS.

BCA question paper - 3 of DBMS.

BCA question paper - 2 of Principle of Accounting.

BCA question paper - 2 of Principle of Accounting.

DBMS Normalization: 1nf, 2nf , 3nf , 4nf , 5nf.

DBMS Normalization: 1nf , 2nf, 3nf , 4nf , 5nf.

What is ER Model?,Components of ER Model. , Notations and Mapping Constraints.

What is ER Model?,Components of ER Model. , Notations and Mapping Constraints.

Transaction in DBMS and its types.

Transaction in DBMS and its types.

What is Schema and Instances?,Database Interface & its types,Data Independence and DB Languages.

What is Schema and Instances?,Database Interface & its types,Data Independence and DB Languages.

Computer Graphics Assignment with answers.

Computer Graphics Assignment with answers.

servlet life cycle,servlet configuration and servlet context

This ppt consists of introduction of-servlet life cycle,servlet configuration and servlet context.

HTTP Servlet Overview

this ppt consists of HTTP Servlet Overview and JAVA servelts with examples.And the difference between applets and servelets.


This PPt consists all the basic knowledge of HTML and CSS fundamentals.also about the web components