Rakesh Kundu

Hi, This is Rakesh Kundu, a Technology lover.

BLS at Government of West Bengal

Studied at Academy of Technology

Water Jug Problem

Water Jug problem of Artificial Intelligence is described here properly

Preemptive Scheduling

Preemptive Scheduling of Operating Systems described here

English Adjectives

English Adjectives full set. Take a look.

Phrasal Verbs

Enriching English is good practice for government and private companies job. Here is a set of Phrasal verbs.

File System Improvement in OS

File system Improvement in Operating Systems is described here properly

File System Implementation in OS

File system Implementation in Operating Systems is described here properly

Projects on Machine Learning and Data Analytics

Here is some cool projects suggestions and ideas on Machine Learning and Data Analytics.

Ecology MCQ Question and Answer

Multiple Choice Questions and Answers of Ecology subjects

OSI Model

OSI model of computer networking is very important and useful for students. Here is a graphical presentation of the same. Hope you like it.

Basic Computer Networking Concepts

Basic computer networking theories I.e definitions, topologies, types of network, connections, OSI model, TCP/IP Protocols etc are described here briefly

Deadlock Avoidance in OS

Here is the technique how to avoid deadlock in computer Operating system

Page Replacement in OS

Page replacement algorithm is important algorithmic topic in operating system