Rani Chowdary Mandepudi


Student at Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology


This file contains the clear format of understanding pointers.Pointers in C language is a variable that stores/points the address of another variable. A Pointer in C is used to allocate memory dynamically i.e. at run time. The pointer variable might be belonging to any of the data type such as int, float, char, double, short etc.So this was prepared by some experts which will be helpful for external exams.One reason to use pointers is so that a variable or an object can be modified in a called function. In C++ it is a better practice to use references than pointers. ... This makes it easy to change the way the calling function receives the value without having to modify the semantics of passing it


These files are of Singnals and Systems.Signals and systems empowers you with the ability to take the challenge to get the job done. Most of the control theory you study in undergraduate courses is based upon linear systems. Contents present in these ppt's are prepared by experts.Contents are described clearly in each ppt and important topics from Signals and systems are discussed. it is a fundamental concept every electronics and communication engineer should posses. In communication engineering, concepts from signal and systems are extensively used, without it studying those concepts is inconceivable. Studying various modulation schemes without going to frequency domain would be real pain. Even for electrical and electronic systems, some of the concepts from signal are widely used in analog design, electrical machines etc. Main theme of signals and system course is to understand the behaviour of a system in presence of a signal. Fourier, Laplace and Z transformation are key concept here and most of the systems can be analysed using the same. Simply speaking it constitutes the alphabets of electronics and communication and you can’t write a letter without the knowledge of alphabets.These help you to have a clear overview of Signal and systems.

C Programming Guide and Reference

The above pdf contains the information related to the c Programming and it is the complete guide to work on the Programming

IOT based robotics project

The above document contains the information related to the engineering and the concepts of the IOT based technology along with the robotics system for the development of the project.

Linked List and the Data Management

The above presentation contains the information related to the engineering data structures and it is completely reliable on the c Programming and explained with the various methods that help to understand easily.

Engineering mathematics Model Paper

The pdf contains the information related to the mathematics Model paper of the m 2 which includes differential calculus and the problems related to it.

Assembling and Disassemble of the PC

The following document consists of the details regarding how to set up the PC with the spare parts and can run it. Even it contains the details to dismantle the pc completely and repair it accordingly.


This document contains the completely details related to the ms dos and linux COMMANDS through the system can be run to perform the application with the help of command line interface.


This presentation contains the important information related to the development of the RUBY laser and it's working along with the Properties of it and the application of it and the development of the other lasers with regard to it.


This file contains the topic related to programming language. This is very important topic.Jump statements cause an unconditional jump to another statement elsewhere in the code. They are used primarily to interrupt switch statements and loops. The jump statements are the goto statement, the continue statement, the break statement, and the return statement, which are discussed in the following sections.

Electronic devices and circuits

This document contains the information related to the electronic devices and circuits important questions with which the subject can be easily understood and can crack the examination easily.

Management Science and Financial Accounting

The image consists of the import questions related to the Financial accounting which covers the topics of financial accounting and these questions can be helpful to boost up the Marks in the examination.