ravindra manda

AKS university- Btech CSE

Student at Aks university

collections- java launguge

subject: programming in java unit-06 collections and generics

IOS streams

subject: programming in java unit-05 exceptions an assertions

decrease and conquer

subject: data structure and analysis and algorithms unit-03 divide and conquer and order statistics

IPC- operating system

operating systems protection and security and device management

device management

operating systems protection and security and device management

Wrapper clsses- encapsulation and inheritance

subject: programming in java unit-03 encapsulation and inheritance

Arrays and arrays list

subject: programming in java unit-01 java operating overview

operators- java language

subject: programming in java unit-01 java operating overview

classes objects and methods

subject: programming in java unit-02 array loops objects and classes

system call- operating system

operating system introduction to os concepts


Automation theory turning machine complexity aks university


Automation theory turning machine complexity aks university