SATELLITE COMMUNICATION - How to do it? Industrial Practices, Cost, Market

Computer Programming

Computer Programming

Introduction to Sales Management

Introduction to Sales Management

Detailed Examples of Learning Curve

Detailed Examples of Learning Curve in Operations Management

Learning Curve

Learning Curve in Operations Management

Concepts in Facility Planning

•HOW MUCH long range capacity is needed •WHEN additional capacity is needed •WHERE the production facilities should be located •WHAT the layout and characteristics of the facilities should be

Operations Strategy

Operations starategy and their implimentation

Job Attitude

Detailed description of Job Attitude

Project Management Basics

1.Important phases in project management 2.Framework of project management 3.When will the entire project be completed? 4.What are the critical activities or tasks in the project? 5.Which are the noncritical activities? 6.What is the probability the project will be completed by a specific date?

Investment Vehicles

Investment Vehicles in Finance and some basic concepts in Finance and accounting