sagnik choudhury

Student at VIT Chennai

Maths handwritten semester 2 part 2

Notes are avaliable for the student studying university as a course and subject is mathematics . The topics included and discussed are solution of diffusion equation .etc. #VIT chennai

Maths handwritten semester 2 part3

Notes are avaliable for the student studying university as a course and subject is mathematics . The topics included and discussed are flow of heat in a semi infinite medium , determ ine the temperature of the semi infinite , transeverse displacement of an infinite string.etc. #VIT chennai

Maths handwritten semester 2 part4

Available are the handwritten notes of the subject Mathematics. The notes attatched below includes topics such as transverse displacements of an infinity string, laplace equation, solutions, etc. #VIT Chennai

Maths handwritten semester 2 part 1

Given below are the notes for university students, studying the subject mathematics . The topics inculded in the document attached the fourier transform of with respect to the variable etc . #VIT chennai

Second law thermo analysis notes

Given below are the notes for mechanical students, studying the subject thermal . The topics inculded in the document attached introductio , basic concept and defination of avability , first law argument used in tandem with the second law analysis of internal combustion engines etc . #VIT chennai