Shantha Kumar . V

Be confident,Be powerful,Motivate urslf to be best

Student at Paavai Engineering College

Studied at Our lady's higher secondary school


operating system

Types of Operating Systems I/O Structure Storage Structure and Storage Hierarchy Operating System Services Process Scheduling Algorithms Inter Process Communication CPU Scheduling Algorithms Dead Lock and Dead Lock Prevention and Avoidance Hardware Protection Memory Management Paging, Segmentation, Paging with Segmentation Virtual Memory File Concepts Disk Scheduling Algorithms Disk Structure File Accessing methods Thus, the major concepts in Operating Systems are listed. If you need to know them deep, you can Google them or refer some books. They can help you better. The most interesting thing is, I secured First class mark in ‘Operating System’. One of my major papers in BCA. OS’s run in x86 protected mode which is a CPU mode that offers additional privileges and memory protection that wasn’t available to their older real-mode ancestor: Process Management and Task Management/Scheduling: Process - Technical Collection, Scheduling - Technical Collection, and 2. Processes Management Memory Management/Virtual Memory: 4. Memory Management and 4.4. Virtual Memory Management File Systems: 5. File System Management and File Systems | Operating System Interprocess Communication (IPC): Inter Process Communication Device Drivers + Interrupts: Interrupts - Technical Collection

high voltage engineering

MODULE-I (10 HOURS) Conduction and breakdown in gases: Gases as insulating media, Ionisation processes. Townsend current growth equation. Current growth in the presence of secondary processes. Townsend’s criterion for breakdown. Experimental determination of ionization coefficients. Breakdown in electronegative gases, time lags for breakdown, streamer theory of breakdown in gases, Paschen’s law, Breakdown in non-uniform field and corona discharges, Post breakdown phenomena and applications, practical considerations in using gases for insulation purposes. MODULE-II (10 HOURS) Conduction and breakdown in liquid dielectrics: Pure liquids and commercial liquids, conduction and breakdown in pure liquids. Breakdown in solid dielectrics: Introduction, Intrinsic brakdown. Electromechanical breakdown, Thermal breakdown.. Breakdown of solid dielectrics in practice. MODULE-III (10 HOURS) Generation of high voltage and currents: Generation of high D.C, voltages, Generation of high alternating voltages, Generation of Impulse voltages. Tripping and control of impulse generators. Generation of Impulse currents. Measurements of high voltages and currents: Measurement of high D.C. voltages. Measurement of high D.C. and impulse voltages. Introduction.. Measurement of high D.C. A.C. and impulse currents, cathode ray oscillographs for impulse voltages and currents measurements.


Thermochemistry is the study of the heat energy associated with chemical reactions and/or physical transformations. A reaction may release or absorb energy, and a phase change may do the same, such as in melting and boiling. Thermochemistry focuses on these energy changes, particularly on the system's energy exchange with its surroundings. Thermochemistry is useful in predicting reactant and product quantities throughout the course of a given reaction. In combination with entropy determinations, it is also used to predict whether a reaction is spontaneous or non-spontaneous, favorable or unfavorable. Endothermic reactions absorb heat, while exothermic reactions release heat. Thermochemistry coalesces the concepts of thermodynamics with the concept of energy in the form of chemical bonds. The subject commonly includes calculations of such quantities as heat capacity, heat of combustion, heat of formation, enthalpy, entropy, free energy, and calories. The world's first ice-calorimeter, used in the winter of 1782-83, by Antoine Lavoisier and Pierre-Simon Laplace, to determine the heat evolved in various chemical changes; calculations which were based on Joseph Black’s prior discovery of latent heat. These experiments mark the foundation of thermochemistry. Contents 1 History 2 Calorimetry 3 Systems 4 Processes 5 See also 6 References 7 External links History Thermochemistry rests on two generalizations. Stated in modern terms, they are as follows:[1] Lavoisier and Laplace's law (1780): The energy change accompanying any transformation is equal and opposite to energy change accompanying the reverse process.[2] Hess' law (1840): The energy change accompanying any transformation is the same whether the process occurs in one step or many. These statements preceded the first law of thermodynamics (1845) and helped in its formulation. Lavoisier, Laplace and Hess also investigated specific heat and latent heat, although it was Joseph Black who made the most important contributions to the development of latent energy changes. Gustav Kirchhoff showed in 1858 that the variation of the heat of reaction is given by the difference in heat capacity between products and reactants: dΔH / dT = ΔCp. Integration of this equation permits the evaluation of the heat of reaction at one temperature from measurements at another temperature.[3][4] Calorimetry The measurement of heat changes is performed using calorimetry, usually an enclosed chamber within which the change to be examined occurs. The temperature of the chamber is monitored either using a thermometer or thermocouple, and the temperature plotted against time to give a graph from which fundamental quantities can be calculated. Modern calorimeters are frequently supplied with automatic devices to provide a quick read-out of information, one example being the differential scanning calori


Assembly and C Language Arithmetic and Logical Instruction in assembly Jump Instructions in assembly Memory Operations using assembly Procedure calls Register manipulation Looping Conditionals etc. Basic Microprocessor Architecture and Design Digital Logic Design (Combinational and Sequential Circuits) Finite State Machine Implementation Single Cycle Data Path Interrupts and Fault Handling IO Operations Advanced Microprocessor architecture Pipelining Cache implementation Virtual Memory Data Level Parallelism (SIMD instructions) etc.