Shyamal Krishna Agrawal

Student at IIIT, naya raipur

Studied at IIIT, naya raipur

Studied at D A V public school SECL Korba, Chhattisgarh, India


Shyamal Krishna Agrawal's Stashed Knowledge

codeforces section C Pokémon Army (easy version) question

Its a code of codeforces section C question Pokémon Army (easy version) and it is coded in c++ language.

codeforces section C Product of Three Numbers question

Its a code of codeforces section C question Product of Three Numbers and it is coded in c++ language.

codeforces section C Similar Pairs question

Its a code of codeforces section C question Similar Pairs and it is coded in c++ language.

codeforces section C Rumour question

Its a code of codeforces section C question Rumour and it is coded in c++ language.

codeforces section C Registration system question

Its a code of codeforces section C question Registration system and it is coded in c++ language.

codeforces section C Rationalee question

Its a code of codeforces section C question Rationalee and it is coded in c++ language.

codeforces section C yet another array restoration question

Its a code of codeforces section C question yet another array restoration and it is coded in c++ language.

codeforces section C Ternary XOR question

Its a code of codeforces section C question Ternary XOR and it is coded in c++ language.

codeforces section D Zero_remainder_array question

Its code for codeforces section D question Zero_remainder_array and is code in c++ language.

codeforces section D Minimum_triangulation question

It is code for codeforces section D question Minimum_triangulation coded in c++ language.

Principal component analysis code in python

Principal component analysis is a statistical technique that is used to simplify the model by analyzing the interrelationship.

Thompson Sampling code

Thompson Sampling is a code in python for reinforcement learning concept but not to high to learn.