Sourav Jha

Short term benefits are keep learning.

Engineering at Work from home

Studied at Cmr engineering college

Studied at St.isaac advent high school

Skilled in Blogging, Content writing

Stereo chemistry and reaction mechanisms.

This document contains preparation of aspirin and paracetamol and reaction mechanisms of also contains isomers and the types of isomers and types of reactions.

Transformers and its types.

This document contains information on transformers ratio, working of transformer and EMF equation of a transformer.

English for engineers

This pdf contains useful information specially for engineering contains 1.skimming and scanning. 2.tenses. 3.articles. 4.prepositions. 5.verb forms. 6.formal and informal letters. to build a resume. 8.Types of letters. 9.some interesting and inspiring stories. 10.complete comprehensive passages which is very useful for competitive exams. 11.precise writing. 12.describing a place. 13.cover letter.

Working principle of dc motor

This document contains detailed construction and working of dc works on the principle of Faraday's laws of electromagnetism.

Basic electrical engineering important questions.

This document contains information questions on transformers, electrical installations,dc motor,dc generator.....

Three phase induction motor

This document contains complete information on there phase induction motor,dc generator, alternator, types of dc motor, speed control of dc motor

Electrical installations

This document contains working of mcb,elcb,mccb and sfu. Components of lt switch also contains information on earthing and types of earthing.

Engineering physics(for first year students)

This document contains complete notes of engineering physics which includes topics like 1.quantum mechanics 2.di electrical properties3.davison and germer explanation 4.heisenburg uncertainty principle.5.einstein explanation.6.types of cells.7.schrodinger wave equation and debroglie wave equation.

Power point presentation on spectroscopy

This is power point presentation on explains types of spectroscopy such as continuous spectra and absorption spectra and many more.

Power point presentation on online education.

This is power point presentation on online explains the complete information about online education.some educational sites are also suggested.

Power point presentation on mobile

This is power point presentation on mobile explains the complete manufacturing of cell phones from beginning to end.

Engineering drawing part one

This document contains engineering covers total chapters of engineering drawing such as scales, cycloids, parabola and also contains isometric projections and many more.