Thermodynamics concept and application

There are basic concept of thermodynamics are present and the application of thermo is present .the explanation of laws of thermodynamics are present in this pdf .

Objective type question and answer for chemical engineering

All the subject like fluid mechaniscs , heat transfer, mass transfer , mechanical operation, etc core subject of chemical engineering objective question with answer are present in it.

Aktu industrial management notes

It is a notes of industrial management , in this the function of management, types , and other knowledge about the management is included .

Aktu managerial economics notes

Managerial economics notes , in this meaning of economics, mangerial economics, types and other important things are discuss .It is a notes of unit 1 which chapter name is meaning of economics .

Industrial management aktu notes

Industrial management unit 3 (work study ) notes in aktu .

Aktu previous year question with solution of CRE2

Chemical reaction emgineering previous year question which are important for aktu exam .

Important aptitude notes

Aptitude notes which are helpful for your interview question , gate exam , cat exam etc .


Gate syllabus for 2019 for chemical engineering Cre Fluid mechanics Maths Pdc From meerut institude of engineering and technology Meerut