yashwanth reddy

Student at Aks universty

projection of planes

engineering drawing unit-2 projection of points, lines and planes

traces and planes

engineering drawing unit-2 projection of points, lines and planes


engineering drawing unit-1 introduction to engineering drawing

sectional views

engineering drawing unit-4 sectional views


engineering drawing unit-3 orthographic projections

projections of solid

engineering drawing unit-3 orthographic projections

orthographic projection

engineering drawing unit-3 orthographic projections

orthographic projection intoduction

engineering drawing unit-3 orthographic projections


engineering drawing unit-1 introduction to engineering drawing

projection of points

engineering drawing unit-2 projection of points, lines and planes

practice questions from from LPP

elementary mathematics unit-5 linear programming problems

set theory and logic questions

elementary mathematics unit-6 elements and logic set theory