Classification of Eggs

Eggs are staple non-veg food. They are used in baking and preparing desserts like mousse. There are many varieties of labelled eggs in the market. Let us understand what those labels mean.

Omega-3 Eggs

The hens are fed with omega-3 fatty acid sources, such as flax seed. The hens are enclosed in cages, and are kept away from accessing litter, perches or nests.

Nest-laid Eggs

This means the hens can access their nests or perch within their cage.

Eggs of Cage-free Hens

Cage-free hens are not confined to a cage, however, that does not mean they have access to the outdoors.

Eggs of Free-run Hens

Free-run hens can wander around a confined open space, perch, access their nests, but may not access outdoors or natural light.

Eggs of Free-range Hens

Under good weather conditions, the free-range hens are permitted to wander in open-range barns, and access their nests, perches, litter, outdoors, and natural light.

Organic Eggs

The hens are fed with 100% organic feed. They are always provided with clean, fresh water. These eggs are most costly.

The hens with white feathers and white ear lobes lay white eggs. The ones with brown feathers and red ear lobes lay brown eggs. There is zero nutritional difference between the two eggs.

Eggs Sizes

Eggs are sized according to their weight. There are various sizes of eggs such as: between 53 - 63gm are Medium, between 63 - 73gm are Large, and the ones weighing more than 73g are Extra Large.

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