Evolution of Marketing
Economic activity:Production and movement of goods from producer to consumer
Use of branding marks –cattle
Advertisement -1704
Information, Promotion not needed
Production orientation
Produce, shall get bought - Keep the plants loaded
Little or no emphasis on customers

Evolution of Marketing Contd.
Sales orientation
Sales volume focus
Sell what the plants manufacture
Advertising/promotional schemes
Customer orientation
Customer's need is central
Product development process looked from customer perspective
Appearance of consumer goods –branding/marketing

Market orientation
All activities aimed at customer
CEO is the driver
Relationship orientation
Creation and maintenance of relationships with customers and suppliers
Augmentation of product with services
Societal orientation
Ethical issues
Green issues

Abhishek  Pramanick

Abhishek Pramanick Creator

(No description available)

Suggested Creators

Abhishek  Pramanick