Aakanksha Sharma Aakanksha Sharma


One of the prominent sayings out on the streets is “A teenager can live for a day without food, not without phone”. And the sad part is that it happens to be true. Today’s fast moving life, competitive structure of society has taken away some of the most important things of life which includes time for oneself, time for loved ones, peace, stillness, silence and also hygiene and healthy diet.

Now days, people don’t think about what they eat, when they eat, where they eat and how much they eat. They don’t think about exercising, practically because they don’t have time for it. However, hygiene happens to be the most important part of “life”. This is because; a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. In various researches, it was found that physical problems like obesity and it related problems- high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis and asthma, are more prevalent in the age group of 16-25yrs with the changing times. Moreover, this age group is also exposed to psychological disorders like –anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating.

Food influences almost every aspect of our being. It influences our nails, hair, skin, hormones and bones. The right kind of diet helps us achieve a healthy body. One of the foremost problems among teenagers is by a diet plan they understand, eating less and compulsively exercising. Though this may help in the short period, however in the long period, these symptoms can develop into anorexia nervosa, where the person refuses to eat, exercises compulsively and has a distorted body image.

All this is caused by the unhealthy, negligent eating habits that have developed due to the “modernisation” of the society. The facebook, whatsapp,  wechat and other “not so important” applications on the new gadgets like phones, tabs, smart watches, are a part of our lives but what we have to understand is that they are “only a part of life” and we should not make them “our life”. Moreover, these things if not used judiciously, can become the obstacles in our goals and self growth.

Science is boon for the society, but negligence on our part and overuse of science can be catastrophic for this very society.  Eat healthy, think healthy and live healthy

Aakanksha Sharma

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Aakanksha Sharma