Kalpit veerwal belongs to sc category and his sc rank was 1 that's why he got CSE in IITB . Despite of the fact that his AIR rank was 109 which was outside 60 he managed to get CSE in IITB this is the failure of our system that offers reservation on the caste basis due to which talented students have to compromise their dreams, I am not saying that Kalpit Veerwal is not a talented student, no doubt he is damn talented but suppose if he belonged to general category then he would not be eligible for CSE in IITB .

Kalpit veerwal proved two major sayings wrong :

1 - Scoring full marks in JEE mains is nearly impossible .

2 - SC category students don't work hard as their cutoff for admission is very low .

1 - JEE mains is that kind of exam that demands a good blend of speed, concepts, knowledge, confidence, intelligence he proved that it is possible to get a score of 360 in JEE mains with his efforts and hardwork.

2 - There is misconception among people that reserved cast students don't work hard as they have to score very less in order to get through competitive exams but kalpit veerwal proved this saying wrong by achieving full marks in JEE mains and air - 109 in JEE advanced by an exceptional piece of effort .

Reservation is obviously unhealthy for our education system . Government should provide reservation on the basis of financial status infact government should not provide reservation but they should facilitate the weak part of our society with finances,free teaching, etc that will improve the status of students in our country as they will learn to work hard.

Hrithik Choudhary

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Hrithik Choudhary