It’s not uncommon for patients to suffer from some type of anxiety when it comes to dentists and dental offices. Here’s what you can do to help reduce that fear.

Step #1 - Let your dentist know

When calling to set an appointment, you should let the dentist or their assistant know that you experience dental anxiety. Especially if it's severe enough to make you put off treatment when you need it.

Letting them know upfront accomplishes two things. First, it should reduce your anxiety levels since you won’t be worried about hiding how scared you are at the dental office. And second, it turns the team at the dental office into your allies. After all, they have tons of experience dealing with anxious patients, but they can’t help you if they don’t know you’re anxious.

Step #2 - Shop for a dentist

Assuming you don’t have a dental emergency, don’t be afraid to shop around until you find a dentist you feel you can trust. If the first dentist you visit fails to make you feel comfortable, you can just try another office. And knowing that you are able to seek another dentist if your first try doesn’t work should help you approach your initial evaluation more relaxed.

Step #3 - Ask about your options

Be sure to talk to your dentist about your options when it comes to making you feel more comfortable during dental procedures. If they see your case is severe, they can recommend dental anesthesia, or even sleep dentistry. Both can help make dental procedures a lot less terrifying.

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