ScanCore Inc ScanCore Inc

There are so many benefits to be gotten out of GPS services that it is typically a no-brainer for residential and commercial projects that involve subsurfaces and underground digging. 

However, the amount of value you will get from your GPR service will also be a function of how prepared you are. To this end, we have provided below a detailed guide containing the steps involved in getting the best out of your GPR service. 

1. Clear Debris

For the best GPR results, it is important to have all obstacles and debris cleared out even before your service technicians arrive. This way, they will be able to carry out their jobs as smoothly as possible and facilitate more accurate results. 

2. Mark Utilities 

Another way you can help your GPR service providers and facilitate accurate results is to mark existing utilities. Don't hesitate to indicate the locations of pipes and cables, along with other lines, so as to avoid misinterpretations down the line.

3. Provide Accurate Site Plans

I discovered that having accurate plans of the site and environment in question went a long way in helping me achieve an accurate result in Concrete Scanning Seattle, WA

If you have such plans that may help your technicians, don't hesitate to share it with them.

4. Consolidate 

Lastly, as advised by top GPR companies like Scan2Core, Inc, it is important to understand the limitations of GPR in certain situations, i.e, when dealing with wet clay. 

For this reason, you may use GPR as sort of a starting point to get an idea before consolidating with other methods, such as core drilling, for an even higher level of accuracy.

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