Working from home can be a blessing or a curse. For many people, it’s too easy to get distracted. However, others find that their work rate and productivity actually go up when at home rather than in the office. To achieve that yourself, you need to create a productive workspace. Here’s how to do just that.

1 - Ensure a Thorough Clean

One cause of low productivity rates may be air pollution. Hire a mold remediation service to remove any mold, even the stuff you can’t see, and then use an air conditioner to clean out the air. You can also open windows to remove dust and get a fresh breeze coming in to keep you alert and focused.

2 - Use Adjustable Furniture

What furniture are you using? It should be adjustable so that it reduces muscle strain as much as possible. Try to find a desk that extends high enough to be used standing up as this can also help you to maintain energy throughout the day.

3 - Take a Minimalist Approach

Once all this is done, try decluttering. A minimalist office helps you to focus more intensely on your work. Remove all distractions and create a sleek, clean-looking workspace.

To get your home office cleaned, visit All Star Mold Removal.

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