Kartik Mathur Kartik Mathur

The Indian Folklores are something which has been travelling since a long time in the roots of the cultural and geographical boundaries of South Asia. They are dynamic in nature but follow the pattern. These folk tales are travelling and an individual hears about it from somebody rather than read about them. These are often told by the older generation of the family to the younger ones, these are also most of the time are added in bedtime stories, as stated (Page-352, A.K Ramanujan, The Collected Essays of A.K Ramanujan). They mainly deal with the household atmosphere and the environment of living, the main emphasis is laid on daily life event hence it makes it promisingly real. It has to do with the social factors of a society as well; the involvement of jealous neighbours is one of the examples of the concentration on social factors (Page-353, A.K Ramanujan, The Collected Essays of A.K Ramanujan).

The above mentioned point of involvement of social factors are seen in (Pages-355-356, A.K Ramanujan, The Collected Essays of A.K Ramanujan) where the encounter with the thieves in the Jungle and with the neighbours are stated. These two set of characters are very much found in abundance in a society, a society has thieves as the anti-social elements and socializing needs neighbours. These tales have the motive of showcasing the good versus bad element and also the element of the divine power and the religion. The involvement of religion and divine power is basically to escalate the importance of god. It is an attempt to make the people trust god and believe the divinity is always helpful to the good and punishes the evil (Pages-360&362, A.K Ramanujan, The Collected Essays of A.K Ramanujan); points out how the bowl achieved from the spirits of the ‘Banyan’ tree was placed below the feet of the god by the poor man and how it got entwined in the worship of god and thanking him for the fortune, and also the end shows how the man with the evil intention is punished by the god!

The concept of involvement of the society is incomplete without the involvement of family members. The folklores of South Asia have the involvement of family in great extent. There is mentioning of the husband, the mother-in-law, the kind of family; the kind of family like the joint family, how does it represent or portray the lifestyle of the members. It is given emphasis on the status of women in a family, for example (Page-372, A.K, Ramanujan, The Collected Essays of A.K Ramanujan) it is stated how the desires of members in a joint family can lead to relationship of incest. The basic elements or the factors that affect the folklores are the presence of real life events and the presence of the social environment. The folklores are the treasures and representations of cultures which in other words can be called the mirror of the society. It deals with elements in which the society believes in and hence it can be stated that a folklore is impossible with society. 

Kartik Mathur

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Kartik Mathur