Organisational Behavior: It is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organisations for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organization's effectiveness.

There are two types of variables:

       1. Independent Variable: The presumed cause of the change in the dependent variable.

       2. Dependent Variable: This is the response to the Independent variable.

Independent variables(X) and their implications on dependent variables(Y)


1.     (X = Motivation      ,     Y = Productivity)

In an organisation, the work of each and every employee is significant. At times employees require a push to get work done, especially when it takes 80+ hours a week. Motivation makes individual feel happy and can work best to their abilities. Motivation makes them excited about their work. Then only one can perform better. Motivation can be of different types such as recognition or money. A bit of individual recognition by senior or other colleagues acts as a driving force to deliver more. This helps in increasing the productivity of a company or output. For example, when we do some activity or teamwork or assignments we just want a special recognition from the teacher. That gives us a huge morale boost to perform to the best possible extent.

2.     (X = Personality trait (Narcissism)  , Y= Absenteeism, Turnover)

Narcissism is a personality trait or disorder which can have a detrimental effect on employee relationship and their coordination. Having a team member who is a narcissist who is obsessed with himself/herself won't be prepared to listen to others and will always try to push their opinion on others and won't let others speak out. A narcissist person often tries to find excuses to avoid tasks and making it harder for teammates, which creates aggression in the workplace. This leads employees feeling left out and getting no credit, breaks the excitement. Due to this kind of stress employee will stop coming to work more often and will eventually lead to them leaving the company.

3.     (X = Organizational Practices   ,   Y= Job Satisfaction)

Job satisfaction is one of the key requirement for a person to perform better. Where interest lies, creativity and dedication comes in. If someone feel comfortable and happy in a workplace, he can be more effective. So, organisations try to provide an environment where people feel comfortable working in.

For example, Google has no offices instead they have sofas and a homely environment where the employees can relax and work. Not only that they provide good food and other amenities to make sure employees are satisfied. Similarly, Amazon has pet-friendly offices so employees can bring their pets along to work which boosts their morale to work in the office. On the other hand, some companies offer a facility so that their employees can work from home on days they can’t come to office or they don’t feel like coming to work.

4.     (X = Power and Politics , Y= Deviant Workplace Behaviour)

Job satisfaction is one of the key requirement for a person to perform better. Where interest lies, creativity and dedication comes in. If someone feels comfortable and happy in a workplace, he can be more effective. So, organisations try to provide an environment where people feel comfortable working in.

For example, Google has no offices instead they have sofas and a homely environment where the employees can relax and work. Not only that they provide good food and other amenities to make sure employees are satisfied. Similarly, Amazon has pet-friendly offices so employees can bring their pets along to work which boosts their morale to work in the office. On the other hand, some companies offer a facility so that their employees can work from home on days they can’t come to the office or they don’t feel like coming to work.

5.     (X= Leadership , Y= Organisational Citizenship Behaviour)

Organisational Citizenship Behaviour is something which is not mandatory to do or mentioned in the job description. It is rather voluntary work which comes only when someone has affection or attraction towards its own company.

When the manager goes the extra mile and participate in the project as a leader and guides his subordinates and provides a proper appreciation for their contribution, the employees are encouraged to work to the best of their abilities. The instances in which the manager shows confidence in their employees and their potential to work effectively, a healthy work environment prevails leading to a better employee performance.

For example, in the case of new challenges or any unexpected obstacles, a leader should coordinate with his subordinates or teammates instead of pressurising or chiding. A leader should motivate and help each other to get rid of the problem. This creates good impact, goodwill and love towards the company and enhances the overall performance.

Gyana Jyoti Sahoo

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Gyana Jyoti Sahoo