Dushyant Jodha Dushyant Jodha

• A graphical screen bore scant resemblance to its earlier text-based colleagues.

• Older text-based screen possessed a one dimensional

• Graphic screens assumed a three-dimensional look.

• Controls appeared to rise above the screen and move when activated.

• Information could appear, and disappear, as needed.

• Text could be replaced by graphical images called icons.

• These icons could represent objects or actions

• selection fields such as radio buttons, check boxes, list boxes, and palettes coexisted 

with the reliable old text entry field

• More sophisticated text entry fields with attached or dropdown menus of.

• Objects and actions were selected through use of pointing mechanisms.

• Increased computer power.

• User's actions to be reacted to quickly, dynamically, and meaningfully.

• WIMP interface: windows, icons, menus, and pointers.

• Graphic presentation is much more effective than other presentation methods.

• Properly used, it reduces the requirement for perceptual and mental information 

recoding and reorganization, and also reduces the memory loads.

• It permits faster information transfer between computers and people by permitting 

more visual comparisons of amounts, trends, or relationships; more compact 

representation of information;

• Graphics also can add appeal or charm to the interface and permit greater 

customization to create a unique corporate or organization style.


• Reduce the memory requirements.

• More effective use of one's information.

• Dramatically reduce system learning requirements.

• Experience indicates that for many people they have done all these things.


 Symbols recognized faster than text

 Faster learning

 Faster use and problem solving

 Easier remembering

 More natural

 Exploits visual/spatial cues

 Fosters more concrete thinking

 Provides context

 Fewer errors

 Increased feeling of control

Dushyant Jodha

Dushyant Jodha Creator

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Dushyant Jodha