Kartik Mathur Kartik Mathur

Radical feminism is a political ideology that calls for the elimination of male supremacy in all social, economic and political ways. Radical feminism arose within the second wave feminism during the 1960’s.

‘Feminazi’ is a term that has been coined by Rush Limbaugh that is used to describe radical feminists. Now the word ‘ Feminazi’ is a widely used term.

The term ‘Feminazi’ consists of the words-feminist’ and ‘Nazi’. This is politically incorrect and we will discuss this later in the assignment.

Redstockings is a radical feminist group that was founded in January 1969 in New York City. Its logo is red in color for its association with the revolutionary left.

Radical feminist’s main aim is to abolish patriarchy, and they do that by targeting existing social activities and institutions rather that than going through a political process. One such major issue which the radical feminists are against is that of abortion. They believe that abortion exists because of uncaring, male-dominated society. There are many radical feminists such as Gloria Steinman, Ellen Willis, and Ti-Grace Atkinson. Many radical feminists have also been called ‘Feminazis’ which is a term that was coined by Rush Limbaugh. The term gained popularity when he used the term referring to the half-million large 2017 Women’s March as the "Deranged Feminazi March". The term ‘ Feminazi’, although quite amusing, is politically incorrect as its two words- feminism and Nazi, are as opposite as North is to South. That is because during Nazi Germany, feminism was banned and women were told to devote themselves to childbirth and child- rearing. Redstockings is a radical feminist group that was started by the afro mentioned Ellen Willis and Shulamith Firestone. They believe that women were forced into submission as they lacked the power under a patriarchal society. Thus they go with the idea of consciousness-raising and expose people to their ideas. They have produced many essays, most notably ‘The Redstockings Manifesto’ in which they say that women and not to be blamed for their oppression and it is men who must change-“ any man is free to renounce his superior position, provided that he is willing to be treated like a woman by other men”( section 4, The Redstocking Manifesto). They also go on to say that “all men have oppressed women”( section 3, The Redstocking Manifesto).

From all of this, we can see that in many ways, especially if we take into account the essay of The Redstocking Manifesto,  radical feminists have exaggerated a lot of things and while to some that may c

Kartik Mathur

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Kartik Mathur