Jinesh Doshi Jinesh Doshi

Social Media Marketing:


Social Media Marketing comes under both paid and earned media type of marketing. Here, some of the agencies pay money to promote whatever they want to such as goods, services, place, organization, etc. or sometimes promotion happens through viral memes as explained in my previous blog or through word of mouth which comes under earned media. The major drawback of earned media marketing is that it can even backfire because there is no control over it and sometimes negative rumors about the said entity spread like fire in the social media.

Social Media Marketing comes under Digital Marketing.

Nowadays, social media apps are in too much use among the consumers. According to a study by Statista, some internet users are going to increase up to 511.89 million users, i.e., by almost 38 percentages and also, social media users are going to increase by 64 percentages as compared to the number of users in 2018.


Tips for Social Media Marketing:


1.    Before writing the content, first, try to figure out your target audience. Some generally think that it can be done without primary and secondary research, but those people are wrong. Without the proper context, data is nothing and hence, like all other marketing methods, in this organization has to do proper prior market research to have the content most effective.

2.    Try not to be too much creative as ultimately you have to connect with the final audience.

3.    Choice of words/keywords is very important in this type of marketing because it helps them to spread much easier and the probability of clicks increases.

4.    If possible, try to connect the content to current news and trends and hence, it will most probably help the target audience to be resonant with thoughts or even after the resonance, it will coerce them subconsciously to check out your product.

5.    Put your promotional ads, whatever they may be like Memes, content, videos or images, at regular intervals. Intervals should be so chosen that it doesn’t look like too much repetition.

6.    Traffic of those contents should be regularly monitored after they are published publicly on those sites, like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram etc.

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