Kartik Mathur Kartik Mathur

A lot of external factors can influence the identity of a person. Sometimes a person himself /herself does not realize how their identity have changed. For instance, if a robbery takes place near a person’s house, then all of a sudden the person can turn from being a nice and hospitable human being into a very suspicious person who now doesn’t trust anyone. If we look in the case of Buddha , he was isolated from the outside world during his childhood. After he saw the disadvantaged lives of the people, he renounced his name and fame and started living in the woods until he attained nirvana. My identity could also be influenced by family and peers. If my father, my mother and my brother were all doctors , it would be most likely that I would too want to become a doctor. In the same scenario if all of my friends were part of some gang who were on the wrong side of the law, I could be tempted by my friends into joining their gang as it would be ‘cool’. Our own will power will also determine if we get influenced by external factors. If a new trend starts or if my friends are doing something bad , I should have the power within me to say no.

Kartik Mathur

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Kartik Mathur