Jashan Sidhu Jashan Sidhu

In today’s world, everyone you know surfs Internet and more than half of the Internet’s population consist of Teens & Kids and 72% of all internet users are also active on social media. So today we will share some cool tips that can help in making your digital life more secure.

What the Internet knows about You?: Google your Name, email, blog, address & phone number to check your presence on the Internet. And if check yourself, you can use some special websites that are made for this specified purpose:

www.zabasearch.com  (Only for US)

www.peekyou.com  (World)

www.Google.com  (Good old friend)

Other search engines (For full satisfaction)

Don’t make your personal life digital: Remember, internet is not a place where you can share or store your personal information including PRIVATE pics, contacts & biodata. (Just stop doing that).

Password should be a top secret: I kept on telling people that they should not show, type or tell their passwords to anyone, even their closest friend. But, still people do that and end up crying, so stop doing that. 

Phone security is a must: 71% internet users access social media from their cell, so you can guess how important its security is. So make sure that you always password lock your phone and avoid storing your personal data on the device. And if you’re engaged in mobile banking then you must have some backup security other than your bank’s protection, for which I suggest the powerful antiviruses like 360 Security. And avoid picking up calls or checking emails from unknown or untrusted people.

Antivirus: Your digital life is full of attackers, hackers & viruses so you need an antivirus to protect it. (If you can’t protect it yourself).

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Jashan Sidhu