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DBMS Lab Assignment in MAIT

It is the assignment given by the teachers of our college to the students for lab work

Vector calculas

Problems for Vector calculas

Python Programming - Graph,DFS and BFS

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to python Programming regarding graphs,DFS and bfs.You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Engineering chemistry

Important question of polymer and water technology chapter. B.E. 1st yr Engineering Chemistry.

OOPS complete Akash for ip University students

This attachment contains the complete Akash end term paper of oops subject of cse and it branch

Notes On Self Awareness

This File Contains Notes on Self Awareness. Studying an use it for reference and studying.

SDM assignment Fevicol

SDM assignment Fevicol

Protection of the world culture and natural heritage

Accurate and appropriate data, printed study material. Protection of the world culture and natural heritage.

polymers in chem engg

This presentation is prepared by faculty of sreenidhi. It helps to have a better glance of important topics before any competitive exams. It gives us vivid knowledge in different areas. These presentations give better and clear understanding for topics mentioned. These presentations help students to prepare for competitive exams and also to have a quick glance for topics mentioned.

Business Anaytics, Retail Analytics

Business Anaytics, Retail Analytics, Layout Design, Market Basket Analysis

FBSH Organic Chemistry 2

These are notes creates by students/ teachers of University of Delhi. Refer to these for your exams. They are really helpful.

Question bank Manufacturing

Question bank on Manufacturing

basic electrical engineering mid term 2 test papers

this document contains mid term 2 test papers of basic electrical engineering , papers are standard. and very useful.


DMl and SQL JOINS in PHP which can be useful for those who wants to learn web development.

Python Geoplot on World Map

Python Geoplot on World Map

NUES Assignment on emotional quotient

This is the assignment of NUES on the topic emotional quotient which explains Emotional quotient is a buzzword in recent times. Time and again, it is suggested that a manager should possess a fair amount of intelligence quotient along with emotional intelligence in order to become suc­cessful. It is proved that effectiveness of an organization depends on the efficiency of the managers.