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C program to implement queue using circular array.

This PPT contains C program to implement queue using circular array.

F# - Program Structure

open System let sign num = if num > 0 then "positive" elif num < 0 then "negative" else "zero" let main() = Console.WriteLine("sign 5: {0}", (sign 5)) main()

Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi

this ppt tell you to how to Implement of IoT with Raspberry Pi.

Rechargeable Storage battery

A rechargeable battery, storage battery, secondary cell, or accumulator is a type of electrical battery which can be charged, discharged into a load, and recharged many times, as opposed to a disposable or primary battery, which is supplied fully charged and discarded after use

Multicast Routing protocol

To study about the multicast Routing protocol

What is Database,its characteristics,File System,DB components,DB Arch. and all types.

What is Database,its characteristics,File System,DB components,DB Arch. and all types.



preserving our local cultures

This article is about the need of preserving our local cultures.

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

This file gives us a complete description of the inverse trigonometric functions which is of utmost importance in the field of mathematics. The graphs of trigonometric functions are discussed.

Code converters

Various code converters such as BCD to Excess 3 Code Converter mentioned with diagrams and table. Also mentioned are various multiplexers its functions and decoders