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current affairs pdf in hindi - August 4th week (2019)

Download current affairs pdf in hindi - August 4th week (2019)

Dashman case

A concise message is complete without being wordy.


An antenna is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as “a usually metallic device (as a rod or wire) for radiating or receiving radio waves.” The IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas (IEEE Std 145–1983)∗ defines the antenna or aerial as “a means for radiating or receiving radio waves.” In other words the antenna is the transitional structure between free-space and a guiding device, as shown in Figure 1.1. The guiding device or transmission line may take the form of a coaxial line or a hollow pipe (waveguide), and it is used to transport electromagnetic energy from the transmitting source to the antenna, or from the antenna to the receiver. In the former case, we have a transmitting antenna and in the latter a receiving antenna. A transmission-line Thevenin equivalent of the antenna system of Figure 1.1 in the transmitting mode is shown in Figure 1.2 where the source is represented by an ideal generator, the transmission line is represented by a line with characteristic impedance Zc, and the antenna is represented by a load ZA [ZA = (RL + Rr ) + jXA] connected to the transmission line. The Thevenin and Norton circuit equivalents of the antenna are also shownin Figure 2.27. The load resistance RL is used to represent the conduction and dielectric losses associated with the antenna structure while Rr , referred to as the radiation resistance, is used to represent radiation by the antenna. The reactance XA is used to represent the imaginary part of the impedance associated with radiation by the antenna. This is discussed more in detail in Sections 2.13 and 2.14. Under ideal conditions, energy generated by the source should be totally transferred to the Radiation resistance Rr , which is used to represent radiation by the antenna. However, in a practical system there are conduction-dielectric losses due to the lossy nature of the transmission line and the antenna, as well as those due to reflections (mismatch) losses at the interface between the line and the antenna. Taking into account the internal impedance of the source and neglecting line and reflection (mismatch) losses, maximum power is delivered to the antenna under conjugate matching.

Differences between Horn and Antler ( Zoology / Biology )

Here are the differences between Horn and Antler. It is included in the syllabus of B.Sc. Honours 1st Year (Zoology) under Calcutta University.



Chemistry Assignment B-Tech(CSE) IP University

This is the assignment for the subject of Chemistry in the First year of the Btech(CSE) IP University. This is the handwritten assignment. These are the important questions study them well and score good marks in the exams.

Structure of bacteria and classes

Bacteria classified on the basis of shape and arrangement.

Differential Equation Notes

Sharing the notes relating to the course mathematics and subject Differential Equations . The documents attached below in the knowledge includes topics such as Preliminaries of Differential Equations, First Order Differential Equations, Qualitative Behavior of Solutions, etc. # BITS Pilani

BEEE Important question bank

BEEE is the main subject for ECE and EEE students which may help us in preparing for Govt

Boolean algebra in computer programming.

This pdf file containing the knowledge about the boolean algebra and logic circuits in computer programming.

EM Unit-4 2nd semester First year IP University B-Tech(CSE)

This book is for the subject: Engineering Mechanics(Em) unit-4 in B-Tech(CSE). This is a very knowledgeable book. and can be understood by the beginner. The book is for Unit-4. The Topics are straight forward and written in easy to understand words.

Introduction to engineering materials ( complete notes)

Materials that are used as raw material for any sort of construction or manufacturing in an organized way of engineering application are known as Engineering Materials. For example, the computer or the pen we use, are manufactured through controlled engineering processes. These gadgets make use of materials like HDPE, PP, Pb-Silica glass, copper, aluminium, tin, etc. this notes covers all the important topics of the chapter.Its helpful for the quick revision for the chapter. This chapter was taught to the students of first year of DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY(one of the top engineering colleges of india). thank you :)

java abc

core java, contain coding also & it is easy to understand u can easily understand the core java using this