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software engineering part-I

This contains complete notes on software engineering with its sylabus.

Nature, Scope and Limitations of Statistics

This PDF file contains notes of the chapter Nature, Scope and Limitations of Statistics for students pursuing Statistics hons.

MBA courses 3

MBA courses 2

Shell Programming Assignment

A shell is special user program which provide an interface to user to use operating system services. Shell accept human readable commands from user and convert them into something which kernel can understand.

Chapter 2 globe latitudes and longitudes

Important introduction about the chapter Hot zones of the earth What are longitudes Longitude and time What is standard time Why do we need standard time

MBA courses 3

MBA courses 2

introduction to Probability 3 | electrical

this contains complete sylabus with complete content of probability.

MBA courses 3

MBA courses 2

Geotechnical Engineering

This note contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam. This note contains various topics like types of soils , index properties of soil , consistency limit etc

Object Oriented Programming Through Java - Layout Managers

OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING (OOP) is a programming concept that works on the principles of abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. ... The basic concept of OOPs is to create objects, re-use them throughout the program, and manipulate these objects to get results. This is a ppt consisting of Layout Managers in Object Oriented Programming Through Java

40 difficult English words that are commonly used in daily life along with their meanings

English vocabulary plays a critical role in day-to-day communication. It enables us to express our thoughts, ideas, and emotions clearly and accurately, thereby helping us to connect with others more effectively.

MBA courses 3

MBA courses 2

introduction to Probability 1

this contains complete sylabus with complete content of probability.

MBA courses 3

MBA courses 2

introduction to Probability 1

this contains complete sylabus with complete content of probability.